Friday, November 2, 2007

#15 Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

Rapidly changing technology is certainly going to have major impacts on the traditional library services as we know them. While people are relying more heavily on online based resources, and some of the Library 2.0 links suggested that print-based collections will gradually decrease, I believe that a lot of people will still be looking for a good old-fashioned book to relax and enjoy. Taking your laptop to bed to read an e-book, doesn't quite have the same comforting feeling as curling up under the covers with a good book.

Perhaps the non fiction print resources may gradually decrease, in favour of online up to date research tools, but I think print based fiction and magazines will still have a place in most people's hearts. Taking your laptop to the beach isn't quite the same as a trashy romance paperback that a bit of sand in the cover won't hurt.

Even though young children of today are growing up with computers and online internet use, judging by the attendances at storytime sessions, lots of kids still enjoy reading picture books with their parents, and it is probably an important bonding time for them, which sharing a computer terminal just wouldn't be.

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